Welcome to Geography at St Josephs.
As a school we have recently signed up to CUSP (Curriculum Unity Schools Partnership) to inform our planning for History lessons. CUSP is guided by evidence-led curriculum structures, such as retrieval, spaced retrieval practice and interleaving. It is underpinned by explicit vocabulary instruction and research-focused pedagogy. Combining these has led to exceptional outcomes for pupils within the partnership, as a result of coherent curriculum design and instructional teaching. CUSP is unapologetically ambitious – schools we work closely with, within the footprint of our Trust, have demonstrated it will not only improve outcomes for pupils, but also teacher subject knowledge. Each lesson is structured, based on a research led approach, to ensure children are engaging and retaining knowledge from an ambitious curriculum. We follow a 6 phase lesson as shown below.
Geography Ambassadors
Our Geography ambassador are eager to help the school embrace geography. We are currently planning some exciting themed days.
Celebration of Geography
Field work - Autumn Walk
Beech and Acorn class went to the local park and followed the map to make their way round. They explored and discussed God's creation and why the park was important to the community. They looked at the different signs of Autumn and how the weather made the ground wet and soggy.