Welcome to PE at St Josephs.

During our PE lessons we ensure that every body takes part in 2 PE sessions a week. We also promote active learning throughout the school day. This is done through movement within the classroom. 

Each day the children take part in a daily mile around the playground to improve fitness and well being. 

At St Josephs we follow the REAL PE scheme that allows us to have a half termly focus of Learning Behaviour cogs. These include; Personal, Social, Applying Physical, Cognitive, Creative, Health and Fitness skills. Within this focus each half term we then develop our Fundamental Movement skills, Gym skills and dance. 

Please read below to find out more information about our vision. 

PE Intent


Children from Year 2 to 6 access swimming lessons for a 2 week block to be part of intense swimming lessons. 'Pools for schools' company provide high level teaching coaches to deliver the lessons and aim to work towards the national curriculum statements which are stated below: 

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Our Sporting Achievements...

Calderdale Cross Country 

Well done to all those who competed in the Cross country races. We are very excited to compete in the Finals in the next few weeks.

Year 3 Mini Olympics Event 

Excellent effort from Year 3 who competed against local schools in races using key fundamental skills. 

Reception Mini Olympics Event

Well done to Beech Class for showing off their fundamental movement skills and winning the local mini Olympics against other schools.