
Thank you for visiting St. Joseph's Maths in School page.


On this page you will find some useful video guides explaining the way we teach maths at St. Joseph's RC Academy. There are also links to external web sites that can support the learning of maths skills through games and activities. To add to this you can also find, the school's calculation policies and curriculum documents. These detail the individual methods and curriculum taught in each year group along with the resources that may be employed to do so.

If you have any questions about the maths your child is learning in school, please discuss this with your child's class teacher, who should be able to assist you in supporting your child at home with their maths.


Maths calculation policies

Here you can download our schools calculation policies as pdf documents.

EYFS calculation policy

Key stage 1 calculation policy

Lower key stage 2 calculation policy

Upper key stage 2 calculation policy

If you have any questions about the way we teach maths at St Joseph's RC Academy, then please speak to your child's class teacher and see below for the individual curriculum taught for each year group.


Maths curriculum documents

Please find below the links to the maths curriculum we teach here at St Joseph's RC Academy.

Subject intent for maths

Whole School Curriculum and Progression Map for Mathematics

The fundamental idea behind the Singapore-style maths lessons.


This video is designed to explain the fundamental concepts of addition, place value and the importance of using the right nouns when we teach maths here at school.

Number bonds

Number bonds are often used in Singapore-style maths lessons. In this video, Maths — No Problem! series consultant, Dr Yeap Ban Har, explains how we teach number bonds here at school.



In this video, Dr Yeap Ban Har, explains how subtraction is taught in a Singapore-style primary maths lesson here at school.

Mental calculations


In this, Dr Yeap Ban Har demonstrates how we teach children to work out the answer to a sum in their head here at school.



Series consultant Dr Yeap Ban Har explores multiplication strategies for the children in our school.

Long division


In this video, Dr Yeap Ban Har, explains how long division is taught in a Singapore-style Maths lessons here at school.

Bar modelling part 1


Drawing a bar model is a way of using a diagram to represent a word problem. Series consultant, Dr Yeap Ban Har, explains how bar models are taught in a Singapore-style Maths lessons here at school.

Bar modelling part 2


Bar models help children solve maths problems through the use of diagrams. In this second bar model video, Dr Yeap Ban Har, explains how bar models are used in a Singapore-style Maths lessons here at school.

Online Maths Activities

We make a lot of use of online maths games and activities in school.  Some of the links below are our most popular.

As part of our Active Learn Subscription, children have access to maths games specifically for their year group and linked to their lessons. This is also where you can access Maths Flex. Maths Flex will link directly to your child's maths learning throughout the year and should be accessed as part of their weekly home learning routine.



Why should I play maths games with my child?

Children make progress best as mathematicians when they regularly repeat skills and practise them until they become embedded.  This can be quite a long process sometimes, and so the use of the context of an exciting game or interesting activity can be highly motivating.  In our experience, our children learn best when they are having fun and that's what games are for!


Why not try some of them out and let us know what you think…?