Saint Joseph's Parish
Parish Priest: Rev Peter McGiveron
Sunday Mass: 10:00am
Weekday Mass: 10:00am
Contact: 01706 813676
As a school, we have close links with Saint Joseph's Parish. We gather as a school and parish family at least once a month for Mass. Fr Peter is a regular visitor to school and through spending time in each class, Father helps both the staff and the children reflect and develop their faith.
We have a strong link with the parish Rosary group. When they were unable to gather to pray together, we uploaded videos that was shared with the Rosary group.
Please click on the image to explore our videos:
Both the school and the parish are fully supportive of the Hope in the Future programme launched by Bishop John. Members of staff and parishioners, supported by Fr Peter, work together to support and develop active participation in both prayer and action.
Staff and parishioners are currently looking at developing a Parish Pals Club for children of the school and children of the parish, which will focus on exploring the Gospel of Saint Matthew.
We enjoyed joining schools from around the Diocese to the launch of Stage 5 of Hope in the Future, Sharing the Hope.
We are now planning to meet with the parish to discuss a possible project involving our local foodbank.
An example of one of favourite days working together:
Feast day of Saint Joseph Before the feast day of Saint Joseph, the School Council shared information about the BOB Box project with the parish at Sunday Mass. The School Council invited parishioners to a workshop on BOB Boxes on the feast day after school. On the feast day of Saint Joseph, we gathered together as a school and parish family to celebrate Mass and offer a Saint Joseph's table. The food from the table was then donated to our local foodbank. After school, we invited the parish into school to help with our BOB Box Project. Children, staff, members of the PTA, and members of the parish came together to learn more about the BOB Box project and to construct BOB boxes together.